1: What is Developmental/Child Psychology? Due Wednesday 07/07 by 11:59PM pxiang
What Topics Do Developmental Psychologists Study?
Discussion Assignment 1:
Objective: Familiarize yourself with a contemporary (living) developmental psychologist whose work interests you.
Original Post Due Wednesday July 07 by 11:59 pm.
For this assignment your task is to do a tiny bit of research on a contemporary (living) developmental psychologist whose work interests you and write a 300-500 word discussion post where you answer a few questions about this individual’s work.
Pick a university and go to their psychology departments webpage.What is the name of the university?
What are some of the different topics that faculty from their developmental psychology or human development department study?
Pick one developmental psychologist or human development expert from the university. Who are they? Name
What is the main focus of his/her work?
Lookup one of his/her published articles in google scholar. Hint: click here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and enter his/her name into the search box.
Read the article abstract (e.g., the paragraph that sums up the articles background, methods, statistical results, and outcome). What was the topic of this article?
What did the researcher/psychologist find?
What interests you about this person’s work and why (be specific)?
How do you think this work is relevant to your life (this can be more broad, discuss why you think this person’s work might be important)?
2 Replies Due Friday 07/09 by 11:59pm.
Look up the psychologist that 2 of your classmates chose. For each psychologist, provide a 150 word reply with your own thoughts of this person’s research.
What might interest you about this person’s work?
Why do you think this person’s work might be important or relevant to your life?
Be sure to post replies to 2 of your classmates.