
Step 1: Read the essays by Anzaldúa  downloadand Alexie  downloadand then annotate both using the information and steps outlined

Step 1: Read the essays by Anzaldúa  downloadand Alexie  downloadand then annotate both using the information and steps outlined in Moser, Chapter 1.

Step 2: Next, using the information and steps outlined in Moser, Chapter 2, identify the rhetorical situation in the texts based off of the following components: the communicator, the issue at hand, the purpose, the medium of delivery, and the intended audience.
Step 3: Then, using the information and steps outlined in Moser, Chapter 2, identify and analyze how the writer tries to establish the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, logos, and Kairos throughout that text.
Step 4: Finally, evaluate how effectively you think the writer establishes the rhetorical appeals, and defend your evaluation by noting specific examples that you’ve annotated.