
Using the same health care organization selected in Module 1, explain how health information

Using the same health care organization selected in Module 1, explain how health information systems are being applied to different ancillary departments and/or specialties by doing the following:
Create an architectural schema of the health information systems infrastructure at the health organization you selected in Module 1. Create the schema using a table where you list the types of health information systems (i.e., EHR) and in another column state the purpose of the health information system.
The paper should contain an introduction paragraph, followed by your chart, then a paragraph or two explaining how each health information system is integrated within the overall infrastructure at the health care organization, and finally a conclusion.

A 2- to 3-page (excluding the title page and reference page) paper showcasing the health information system infrastructure at the health care organization you selected. In addition, provide an architectural schema in a table of the health information systems infrastructure and the purpose of the health information system.
Explain how each health information system is integrated within the overall infrastructure of the health care organization you selected.