2021 NX DDP ProjectGo Go Gadget!IntroductionHave you ever dropped something and been unable to
2021 NX DDP Project
Go Go Gadget!
Have you ever dropped something and been unable to retrieve it? Has it ever been difficult to open a jar using your hands? These problems and others like them have inspired would-be inventors throughout history to create gadgets to make life a bit easier in these situations.
In this project, you will design a useful gadget. Perhaps your gadget design extends human capabilities, such as how a prosthetic arm enables a person with no hands to perform tasks others take for granted. Or your gadget eliminates wrist fatigue, joint stress, and pain like the ergonomic computer mouse pad design.
As you think of a problem in need of solving, remember that your goal is to design a unique product that supports the user in their daily life and augments their ability to perform a specific task. You will progress through each stage of the design process until you have arrived at your solution to this problem.
Deliverables Submission Dates
July 12th
Define Problem phase deliverables
July 12st
Generate Concepts phase deliverables
July 12th
Develop a Solution phase deliverables
July 12th
Evaluation Solution phase deliverables
Extra Credit
Present Solution phase deliverables
Submission Procedure – Submit your work by using the Google Doc provided by the instructor on Google Classroom. DO NOT create any extra documents.
1) Define Problem (July 6th – July 12th)
Deliverables (due May 26th)
Problem Identification List- Create a list that includes a list of at least 5 different possible problems that your design could target. Briefly describe the problem and why it is an important problem to solve
Project Design Brief– Create a design brief. Identify the client and target consumers who benefit from solving the problem. Definite a clear problem statement and identify possible criteria and constraints.
2) Generate Concepts (July 6th – June 12th)
Deliverables (due June 1st)
Product Research–Research and identify at least 3 specific existing products that address the problem you have chosen. For each product, create a rough sketch of the product and include a paragraph describing the function of the product and how it addresses the problem
Concept Sketches–Create a rough sketch of 2 unique ideas for a gadget that could be used to solve the problem you have chosen. Annotate your sketch to clarify details and components of your design. Include a paragraph for each design that explains its function and components.
3) Develop Solution (July6th– July 12th)
Deliverables (due June 4th)
Technical Sketches – Choose the best concept out of your ideas for the gadget and complete the following technical sketches:
Isometric Drawing – Use isometric grid paper (print out file on Google Classroom titled “Isometric Grid Paper”) to create an isometric drawing of your design.
Multiview Sketches – Create a rough multiview sketch of your design. Your sketch should show the top, front and side view of your design. Annotate on your drawing the key dimensions of your design (overall size, size of important features).
4) Evaluate Solution (July 6th – July 12th)
Deliverables (due June 11th)
Design Analysis Report – Create a report with the following parts:
Gadget Overview
Give a brief description of the function of your gadget design and how it will solve the problem you chose
Identify how the target consumer would benefit from this using your gadget
Gadget Components
Identify the components that would make up your design. How many parts will this device be made from?
What materials would you use?
Gadget Function Analysis
How well do you think your gadget would help the target consumer in their daily life?
What potential issues might a user have with your design? Identify at least 2 potential issues that might arise in the usage of your design.
Gadget Optimization
Identify at least 3 possible improvements that could be made to this design. What could be added/adjusted to improve the design?
5) Present Solution (Extra credit)
Deliverables (due July 12th)
Marketing Presentation – Create an advertisement poster to sell your design. Your poster can be hand drawn or done digitally on the computer. Your poster should include the following:
Name of your gadget
Image of your device
Slogan to advertise your design
Add color to your poster to enhance your advertisement