Using the attached reading and research from peer-review resources, select one of the mentioned
Using the attached reading and research from peer-review resources, select one of the mentioned special populations assuming that all members in this group are also in addiction treatment: HIV/HepC positive, homeless, LGTBQ, women, adolescents, criminal justice clients, clients with physical disabilities, or clients who live in rural areas. Respond to the questions below and remember to cite/reference any additional peer-reviewed resources that you used in your research.
What are some of the common case management needs of the clients who are in addiction treatment programs and who are members of the special population that you chose?
What are some of the potential barriers to service that members of this population might face? What are some solutions to these barriers?
Evaluate the needs of the family of the special population if the client is currently in residential treatment and will be discharged soon. Assume that the family will allow the client to live with them for at least the next six months.