HP-Case Assignment 2
I need complete 2-3 pages paper on the following assignment. HALF PAGE LENGTH IS NOT ACCEPTED. Must address the all steps properly. Must include 3 credible references from provide required readings and cited in APA. Must provide 100% original work.
You have just been hired by your State’s health department to help develop a health promotion program. Your first assignment is to use the CDC database, WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports, to find out what the leading causes of death in your State are, and how different groups within your State compare to those of the State as a whole. You will use that information to decide which determinants of health your program should focus on.
- • Go to http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/leading_causes_death.html, and select “Leading Causes of Death 1999-2013 for National, Regional, and States (RESTRICTED)*.”
- • For Report Options, select your State.(Use California state)
- • Scroll down to “Advanced Options” and select “Top 5” as the number of causes.
- • Look at the column on the right, labeled All Ages, to find the top 5 causes of death.
- • Repeat those steps, but select Race, Sex, and specific Age groups on the Report Options to see how/if the leading causes of death vary among differing demographic groups.
• In a complete 2-3 pages essay, please answer the following:
- 1. What state did you select?
- 2. What are the 5 leading causes of death for your State? How do they compare with the 5 leading causes of death for the US?
- 3. Describe how/if the leading causes of death vary based on different demographic variables such as race, sex, and age. Be specific about which variables you looked at.
- 4. Based on the findings for your state, what 3 determinants of health would you choose as priorities for health promotion programs? Would you focus your efforts on any specific one?
- 5. Please explain how those 3 determinants of health affect people’s behaviors in ways that promote well-being. How do they affect people’s behaviors in ways that hinder well-being? Give examples and support your statements with references.
In your paper
- Must include brief paper introduction at beginning and conclusion at the end.
- Be sure to justify your response with evidence from the literature.
- Must include 3 credible references cited in APA from the provided required reading sources.
Required Reading Sources
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved May 1, 2012, from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/LHI/default.aspx
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/LHI/default.aspx
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014). Public Health Learning Modules-Module 1: Using Healthy People 2020 to Improve Population Health. Part Three: Healthy People and the National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from https://vimeopro.com/aptrmodules/phlm/video/75910069