Topic is Fall Prevention
Length of paper 8‐10 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6th edition guidelines.
A minimum of six (6) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources no more than 5 years old are required in support of the Evidence‐based
Capstone Evidence‐based Paper.
This assignment will be graded using the Capstone Evidence‐ based Paper Rubric available in Unit 6
of the course.
The student will be required to:
Produce an 8‐10 page evidence‐based paper addressing a significant clinical issue
Identify and explore a solution to a clinical issue
Gather additional background information on:
o the clinical issue
o the patient population
Develop a plan that could be carried out by a nurse to resolve the clinical issue.
Reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in the nursing program
Draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint
o assurance of a safe and effective care environment,
o health promotion and maintenance of health, o preservation of the patient’s psychosocial o preservation of the patient’s physiological integrity
With the exception of the Introduction, each criterion listed below will serve as the major headings of this assignment due in Unit Six and will include the following:
Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting) Introduction:
Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper. Identifies a clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint:
o Assurance of a safe and effective care environmento Health promotion and maintenance of healtho Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
o Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
In this paper the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint and the clinical issue. The reference to the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint found at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website constitutes one scholarly reference.
Importance: The student will describe the importance of the clinical issue to the health of a patient population. This discussion will include the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.
Patient Population: The student will describe the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue. With a focus on the diversity of the human condition found within this patient population, the student will describe the influence that cultural values may have on the proposed solution.
Proposed Solution: The student will set the stage for proposing the best solution to the clinical problem by using appropriate evidence‐based data and integrating data from peer‐reviewed journal articles. In this paper, the student will:
Propose a clear solution to the clinical problem that is supported by a minimum of three scholarly, peer‐reviewed journal articles.
Expand on the ethical considerations when developing the plan.
Goals: While the intervention will not actually be carried out, the student will discuss the plan that could be implemented by a nurse to address the clinical issue. One short‐term and one long‐term goal of the intervention will be identified. The student will include a description of how attainment of each of the goals would be measured.
Barriers: The student will identify a minimum of two potential barriers to the success of the plan as well as a strategy for addressing each one.
Benefits: The student will describe a minimum of one benefit to the patient population and one benefit to the nursing profession that will result from carrying out the plan. Provides a minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source in support of the benefit of the plan to the patient population. Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach: The student will identify all of the parties whose participation is important for the success of implementing the plan.
i. This list will include a minimum of two members of disciplines outside of nursing. ii. A description of the benefit of including each member from another discipline to the success
of the plan. iii. A minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source providing support for the success of the
plan by including the healthcare team member outside of nursing.
Conclusion: i. Provides a thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to prevent or help to resolve the clinical
issue. ii. Includes a complete statement describing why addressing this clinical problem matters and to
whom. Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)