Read the chapter 7 case study (p. 112) and resolu
Read the chapter 7 case study (p. 112) and resolution (p. 125), and provide your thoughts on Beth receiving a promotion. Is this fair or unfair. Justify your reply with at least one concept introduced in chapter 7 of the course textbook. Your post should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs long, and each paragraph should have a minimum of 4 sentences. However, there can be more sentences and paragraphs if you desire. A. Identify at least two other student who have a contrasting opinion of you posted regarding Beth’s promotion. RESPECTFULLY, respond to their post as to why you feel a concept they’ve provided as support does not fit the situation described in the case study. Each response post should be a minimum of 75 words. While only a minimum of two replies are required, students are encouraged to carry on the conversation beyond just one initial post and two response post. Historically, students who participate in the discussion board more than others, maximize their learning experience. A good example of “carrying on the conversation” is by responding to students who have asked probing questions of your own initial post.