
supply, and equilibrium price of a particular product or products

There is a single case project worth 15% of your total grade. This is due on Tuesday of week 3 at midnight EST.  Assume you have been asked by an economic consulting firm to analyze an issue and recommended a position on the issue. Select a news article dated within the previous two months, and analyze the issue using the economic concepts and theory learned in this class. Develop a 3 to 5 page double-spaced paper that advocates a position on this issue. Title page, appendices and bibliography are not to be counted in the page total for the narrative portion of the paper. Your paper should begin with a concise summary paragraph that (1) states the problem and (2) summarizes your position. The remainder of the paper should support and explain your position. The paper should include at least one graph developed in our course and define all economic concepts used to build your argument. Possible graphs/concepts/theories to use in your paper include: