
Discussion Expectations: 
Students are expected to participate in weekly discussions. The first half of the class there will be one discussion group per module, and students are expected to discuss all the materials from the lecture, readings, and documentaries posted. The topic each week’s discussion will be posted at the top of the discussion. Try to be informative, engage others in conversation, and respond to those who have engaged you. Please note that grades are given for discussion, and not just posting comments without engaging others. Each week’s discussion will add up to about 3% of your final grade and will be assigned as follow:

0-1.0 Inadequate. Little evidence of even a superficial understanding of subject matter; weakness in critical and analytic skills; limited or irrelevant use of literature; failure to engage others in conversation or at least attempt to engage others; and an inability to communicate. 

1.1-1.5 Marginal. Some evidence that critical and analytic skills have been developed; rudimentary knowledge of the subject matter; and significant weakness in the ability to communicate or to engage others. 

1.6-2.0 Adequate. Student is profiting from his or her university experience; an acceptable understanding of the subject matter; ability to develop solutions to simple problems in the material; some ability to organize and analyze ideas; and an ability to communicate adequately. Students is able to engage others and has shown a desire to interact. 

2.1-2.5 Good. Substantial knowledge of subject matter; some evidence of organization and analytic ability; a moderate degree of originality and independence of thought; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with literature; and an ability to communicate clearly and fluently. Student has had meaningful engagements with others, has attempted to further the discussion, and has shown an ability to discuss in persuasive and collegial manner. 

2.6-3.0 Excellent. Strong evidence of originality and independence of thought; good organization; capacity to analyze and synthesize; superior grasp of subject matter with sound critical evaluations; evidence of extensive knowledge base; and an outstanding ability to communicate. The contribution to the discussion has been invaluable.


Lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1NZep13Bt8&feature=emb_logo

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